South Carolina Child Care Inclusion Collaborative


Child care providers seeking professional development should apply through Pathways to Quality on SC Endeavors.

  1. Log in
  2. Navigate to your Organization Profile
  3. Click “Quality Overview” in the green sidebar on the left.
  4. Click “Apply for Quality Initiative” button.
  5. Scroll down the list of quality initiatives to locate the “SCIC General Inclusion Support” and click the “Apply” button.

Learn More:
What is Pathways to Quality? | How to Video

How can we help you?

(select all that apply)

Find your Inclusion Specialist

Select a county to view the contact information for the specialist in your area.

Inclusion Specialist

Karen B. Middleton, M. A. 803-603-5521
Kimberly McCollum, M. Ed. 803-509-1248
Phines Black, M. Ed. 803-521-4873

Family Child Care Inclusion Specialist

School-Age Inclusion Specialist

Oconee Pickens Anderson Greenville Spartanburg Cherokee York Chester Lancaster Kershaw Lee Sumter Calhoun Orangeburg Bamberg Barnwell Allendale Hampton Jasper Beaufort Charleston Dorchester Berkeley Georgetown Williamsburg Florence Darlington Dillon Marion Horry Chesterfield Marlboro Clarendon Colleton Union Laurens Abbeville Greenwood McCormick Edgefield Aiken Saluda Lexington Richland Newberry Fairfield